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vorheriger Monat Juni 2024 nächster Monat
Das Kino im Juni
Alle Filme
Original Versions
Did you know that we try to show all films in their original language with German subtitles (OmdtU)?
Themen im Juni
Kafka und Kino
filmLit. – Internationales Literaturfestival Heidelberg
Studentischer Filmclub Heidelberg
Ciné Club des deutsch-französischen Kulturkreises
Die Besten, Größten und Schönsten? - Filme der Superlative
Apocalyptic Cinema
Kinoprogramm: Parasite (English subtitles)
Parasite (English subtitles)
South Korea 2019 | Director: Bong Joon-ho | 132 min. | Cast: Song Kang Ho, Lee Sun Kyun, Cho Yeo Jeong, Choi Woo Shik, Park So Dam, Lee Jung Eun, Chang Hyae Jin | Korean with English subtitles | FSK: 16.
Ki-taek's family of four is close, but fully unemployed, with a bleak future ahead of them. The son Ki-woo is recommended by his friend, a student at a prestigious university, for a well-paid tutoring job, spawning hopes of a regular income. Carrying the expectations of all his family, Ki-woo heads to the Park family home for an interview. Arriving at the house of Mr. Park, the owner of a global IT firm, Ki-woo meets Yeon-kyo, the beautiful young lady of the house. But following this first meeting between the two families, an unstoppable string of mishaps lies in wait.


For people of different circumstances to live together in the same space is not easy.

It is increasingly the case in this sad world that humane relationships based on co-existence or symbiosis cannot hold, and one group is pushed into a parasitic relationship with another.

In the midst of such a world, who can point their finger at a struggling family, locked in a fight for survival, and call them parasites?

It's not that they were parasites from the start. They are our neighbors, friends and colleagues, who have merely been pushed to the edge of a precipice.

As a depiction of ordinary people who fall into an unavoidable commotion, this film is:

a comedy without clowns,
a tragedy without villains,

all leading to a violent tangle and a headlong plunge down the stairs.

You are all invited to this unstoppably fierce tragicomedy.

- Director BONG Joon Ho

Dies sind die Spieltermine für Parasite mit ENGLISCHEN Untertiteln. Zu den Vorstellungen mit DEUTSCHEN UNTERTITELN (u.a. 14.3.)

Sa., 4.1.20 - 19.30 UhrFr., 10.1.20 - 20.30 UhrSo., 9.2.20 - 20.00 UhrFr., 14.2.20 - 22.15 UhrMo., 24.2.20 - 18.00 Uhr // Sold out! Ausverkauft!Sa., 29.2.20 - 22.00 Uhr // Sold out! Ausverkauft!Sa., 7.3.20 - 22.30 UhrMo., 23.3.20 - 18.30 Uhr // entfällt!

Kartenreservierungen: Nutzen Sie bitte unseren Onlinevorverkauf. Wir übernehmen bis auf weiteres die Vorverkaufsgebühren für Sie.

Kinokasse/Reservierungen: 06221 - 9789 18
Reservierte Karten bitte 15 min. vor Vorstellungsbeginn abholen.
Infos & Kritiken
Trailer (OmeU)
The Guardian
How Parasite became the most talked about foreign language film of 2019
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Medienforum Heidelberg e.V.
Kommunales Kino/ Aktive Medienarbeit
Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 3
69126 Heidelberg
Kartenreservierung: 06221 / 97 89 18